BISP Payment 13500 Distribution Process Common Problems In 2025

BISP Payment 13500 Distribution 

BISP Payment 13500 Distribution: In the Benazir Kafalat program, many people are facing difficulties in getting their assistance due to many issues. Many issues are the cause of your ineligibility. The common issue is, that the applicant’s ID card has expired. The verification of the ID card of the applicant is not completed. Sometimes, NSER surveys of the people have not been completed. The one reason why the poor and needy people are declared ineligible is that their PMT score has not been updated. Here, in this article, I am going to explain the all reasons that are the of your failure to register for the Kafalat program. So, read our article completely.

In 2025, with an updated system, this program will continue to provide financial aid to poor and deserving families. Now the Govt of Pakistan has decided to increase the amount that is given through the program. Now this aid will have become 13500 instead of the 10500. Likewise the programs, sometimes beneficiaries of the Kafalat program face difficulties in receiving their payment. In this article, I have explained the basic issues that are faced by the beneficiaries. So, read this article till the end with care.

This program especially provides financial aid to the poor. Under this program, about 13500 amount will be given every quarter. The aid that is given through this program will be aid to the poor. And they can use it for their health, children’s education, and many other purposes. Those who are disabled or those who are unable to earn money then are eligible for this program.

BISP Payment Distribution Process Step-by-Step

If you are declared eligible for this program, then you have to understand the procedure of getting aid through this program. Because the method of getting income through this program has been changed. So read this article so many that you can get the method to get payment and not face any difficulty while getting aid.

Eligibility Check Procedure

Check your eligibility if you have to wish to get the aid amount from this program. The eligibility criteria have been set by the Govt of Pakistan, you have to fit in the criteria then you will apply for this program. Like household monthly income. Women are particularly preferred for this program. If you want to check eligibility then you need the following documents.

  • CNIC National Identity Card of the applicant.
  • Proof of income.

Application Submission

Once you check your eligibility for this program and find that you can apply for this program. Then you have to give the application for this scheme. If you want to give the application then you have two ways. First is that to visit the BISP official website. The second method is visiting the BISP registration center. Required documents that are necessary for this application are given below:

  • Identity card if the person who wants to apply.
  • Proof of the income that the applicant earns per month.
  • And some other documents that are required by the BISP.

If you are the person who has been declared ineligible for this program then you have to need to re-certification. Make sure that the information that is given by you must be accurate. If you want to apply, then you have to need your CNIC card, monthly income proof, etc. All these documents, you have to submit to the BISP office. Then if you meet the criteria you will be registered in this program and get the aid of 13500.

Common Issues Faced During BISP Payment Distribution

Although, this program has been specially started for the welfare of the needy and deserving families. But sometimes these beneficiaries face difficulties in getting their aid. Now I am going to explain the details of these issues and also give the method how to solve them.

Missing or Incorrect Documents

It has been seen that the main reason why the people are declared ineligible is that the documents that are provided through them are incorrect or have some issue. Just an example, if the information that is provided by you does not match your identity card then there may be a chance that you will declared ineligible.

So, it is necessary for you to before submitting your application check it again. Take comfort in whether the information that is provided by you is correct or not. And then also check the ID card number. If you find any mistake in your information then visit the BISP office as soon as possible.

Payment Delays

Sometimes due to technical problems, application processing, or backlog, there can be delays in your payment. So, for those people who fulfill their basic needs through this aid, there will be a problem. But I want to tell them that they do not need to worry about their payment. Because their payment will be started soon.

Problems at Cash Collection Points

The procedure to get the aid of 13500, some people do have not any information. So they may face many difficulties in getting their aid. Due to a lack of information, they don’t go to the selected center where they can get the aid.

So be alert to the place where you have to go to get the aid. And also keep an eye on the date of the issuance of the aid. But after this, if you face any problems then you have to contact the BISP helpline to get the details about where you can get the aid.


Benazir income support program works all over Pakistan for the welfare of the poor and needy people. Who are unable to fulfill their basic needs. The aid that is given through this program has been increasing. And this increment has been about 3000. So, this aid becomes 13500. By understanding the procedure of how to get the aid amount and by knowing the solution to the problems that may be faced sometimes. You can easily get your aid. It is necessary for you that your application process has been completed. And the information that is provided by you is also correct. But if you want to get more details then you contact with us in the comment section.

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