Benazir Kafalat Progarm
Why is it important to complete the survey again?
Currently, around about 93 lakh women belonging to poor andneedy families are receiving aid under the Kafalat program all over the Pakistan. Many of them are women who have been receiving assistance for more than two to three years. This is the reason that instructions have been issued by BISP to women to complete their survey again so that their financial conditions can be assessed. The objective of BISP asking such women to complete the survey again is actually to assess their financial conditions and to know whether their financial conditions have improved in the last two or three years or not. So that women whose financial conditions have improved can be disqualified from the program and women from new families whose financial conditions are not better can be included.
Procedure For Re-Completion Of NSER Survey
Let’s go ahead and tell you how women who have been asked to complete the survey again by BISP can complete their survey. So let me tell such women that the procedure for completing the survey has not been changed compared to before. So those women who want to complete their survey again can go to their nearest BESP office and complete their survey again from the concerned representative. The procedure for completing the survey is exactly the same as when you completed your survey for the first time to become a part of the Kafalat program.
Last chance for eligible women in the Benazir Kafalat program to avoid disqualification, as there is only one day left for the last date to complete the survey as per the instructions issued by BISP. The purpose of this article was to inform eligible women in the sponsorship program with the latest information regarding completing the survey to avoid disqualification. In this article, information is provided regarding completing the survey with complete details. In this article, it has been told with complete details how such women can avoid the disqualification of completing their survey. Therefore, such women are requested to complete their survey as soon as possible because the last date for completing the survey is 30 September 2024.